Media literacy education in Western Switzerland

Media literacy education is part of the curriculum of compulsory education in French-speaking Switzerland since 2011. The entire educational system should be rethought to integrate comprehensive media literacy education in the classroom. Teacher training is crucial for the success of this reform.
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Algorithms and Big Data: New Frontiers for Media Education

Algorithms and big data have become the new frontier of media education. Consumers of online information require specific skills and knowledge to navigate the media environment. Continuer la lecture de « Algorithms and Big Data: New Frontiers for Media Education »

Media Education, a Useful Tool to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals

WSIS 2017 • In view of the United Nations 2030 Agenda objectives, Media education is a powerful way of contributing to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Information and media literacy skills is a good way to improve the autonomy of individuals of any society and allow them to participate more fully in their country’s political, economical, social and cultural life. In this crucial area the needs are immense. Continuer la lecture de « Media Education, a Useful Tool to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals »